1. cds::sensory
    sensory Data
  2. cds::sensory.aux
    Auxiliary Information for 'sensory' Data
  3. lsbclust::dcars
    Dutch Cars Data
  4. lsbclust::lov
    List-of-values Data Set
  5. lsbclust::supermarkets
    Dutch Supermarkets Data Set
  6. vdg::D310
    Design from the Vdgraph package
  7. vdg::D416B
    Design from the Vdgraph package
  8. vdg::D416C
    Design from the Vdgraph package
  9. vdg::GJ54
    Design from Goos & Jones
  10. vdg::SCDDL5
    Design from the Vdgraph package
  11. vdg::SCDH5
    Design from the Vdgraph package